• Creating unique, New Paradigm art for the love of NATURE and FREEDOM •
• Mankind's fundamental state is one of openness and wonder. Each of us is a love story written by the irrepressible Source of All Life • • Creativity is a conduit to connection with this incredible Lifeforce. • • My art is a spontaneous, playful exploration of the unconditioned state which is our inalienable birthright. • • Organically unfolding, energetically-charged, I make art that speaks to the deepest core of WHO WE REALLY ARE:
“Beautiful art work. Lovely person to communicate with. Highly recommended” - customer feedbackvia Etsy.com
"My art is an exploration of the creative forces behind the mystery and wonder of life, which integrate light and dark elements seamlessly in an amazing, unfathomable symphony. In the midst of this ongoing dance, Humanity is evolving, blossoming into a new state of consciousness. Our creativity and unprecedented new levels of awareness lead the way into this New Paradigm. As we embrace our individual and collective darkness and bring it into the light, we re-organise around a core precept of healthy inter-dependence. Recognising that we are individual cells in the body of humanity gifts us with a new sense of freedom and purpose - a deeper understanding of who and what we truly are. Participating creatively in this amazing process of re-connection is my calling. My mission is to share this journey, this awareness, with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear..." - Jay
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