"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life." - Richard Bach, Illusions of a Reluctant Messiah. This photo of me and Sandy cuddling was taken in 2012, shortly before the fungating tumour that took his life began to develop on his back. Sandy and I were true family, although we were not even members of the same SPECIES, never mind 'blood family'. We both knew it from the instant we set eyes upon each other. And we lived that familial bond every minute, from that first moment of recognition to the moment he died peacefully in the sunshine, wrapped in my loving embrace. Our joy in each other's lives, our respect and love for each other, was one of the most real experiences either of us had ever had. The bond was unbreakable. We readily forgave each other everything and each of us accepted the other unconditionally, literally warts and all. The transformation in this little fellow from being truly loved, respected and enjoyed was astounding. We 'lit each other up' and I will carry that light in my heart until the day I die. Although there is undoubtedly a bond of blood, never allow it to blind you to the family you are related to in heart, soul and spirit, which truly is everybody and everything. And in the moments you meet CLOSE family again - when that unmistakable chemistry and recognition hits - open your heart to that with everything that you are. it's the most powerful experience any being can have - the sharing of a common bond, unbound by space, time, species or any other illusory boundary. Be open. Share yourself. Celebrate that connection. It is as pure and beautiful as it gets here on earth. With love, Jay #love #life #friendship #truth #widsom#richardbach #quote #quotes #meme#shihtzu #dogs #shih #tzu #bemoredog #family
Jay's Blog
Stream of consciousness ramblings, artings, happenings and brain droppings Archives
June 2021