Time and space are illusory.
All things are connected, inexorably, And yet absolutely discreet. Everything is fabulously bizarre And yet utterly mundane - Surreal and real simultaneously. Madness is genius. Hate is love. Birth is death. Below is above. Everything is EVERYTHING, As is nothing. Nothing is everything! Yes! And us? We are links in a never-ending chain, Rusting and beautiful, Rattling, Dangling, Binding, Bewitching. Holding ourselves caught, Yearning for release. A living work of Kintsukori, Broken, oh yes, but NEVER BOWED. I sing songs of wholeness, defiant, out loud. I reassemble this vessel once more With the unrefined gold of authentic expression And pure, relentless wonder. The universe watches And all that remains Are the choices we make, The actions we take And the love that we give And receive. Jay Taylor, 11th February 2019 #poetry #photography #life #death #birth#rebirth
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Jay's Blog
Stream of consciousness ramblings, artings, happenings and brain droppings Archives
June 2021